Everybody loves a good Christmas party, right? (Okay, those of us who are introverts might not “love” them, but we can put up with them during this time of year.) From Mr. Fezziwig’s Christmas Party in Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” to the party at the Bailey’s home to show George that indeed he had…
Category: Freaky Friday
December Ghosts – Doppelgangers
Victorian picture people frightened by a ghost
I was reminded on Monday by a dear friend, Terrie Snyder, that I hadn’t posted a Freaky Friday the previous Friday. I was gobsmacked! She was right. I totally forgot about Freaky Friday – and I offer you both an apology and an explanation. I learned several weeks ago that my dear daughter, Sarah, and…
I had the distinct pleasure of speaking to a wonderful group of students, teachers, and administrators this week at the FOCUS House in Rochelle, Illinois. During our time together, we started chatting about ghost stories (are you surprised?) and several young men shared stories about a ghost that haunts their residence hall. A ghost who…
The Dover Demon
When you’re driving at night and you’re only seventeen, lots of weird things can happen. But age has nothing to do with what happened to William Bartlett in 1977 when he was driving down the road and suddenly his car’s headlights reveal an enormous, alien-like monster with long spindly fingers. The creature was slowly crawling…
Feral People
The new season of Expedition X has finally appeared on our Discovery + channel, so my husband and I are ready to binge-watch the scary and unexplained stories they have to share. The first one really surprised me – I’d never heard of this before – so, I thought I’d do a little research and…
My older brother, Mike, served in Guam in the 1970s. He was in the Navy, in Intelligence. He once told me that there was one gate at the very end of the base, that was nearest to the jungle that no one wanted to guard, especially at night. Even the locals stayed away from that…
Freaky Friday the 13th – The Octagon
interior of the octagon
The Morgue
Okay, the title kinds of gives it away, right? Wikipedia offers some interesting facts about the Dover Air Force Base and their morgue. During the Vietnam War, more than 20,000 dead American soldiers were brought back to the United States via Dover. The Vietnam War dead comprise over 90% of all the remains processed at Dover…
Ghosts Caught on Camera
Several years ago, one of my dear Facebook friends would send me a photo and challenge me to “find the ghost.” The photos didn’t have any obvious ghosts in them, they were usually photos of rooms or houses – like an old one-room schoolhouse – and she would ask me to see if I felt…