This isn’t going to be the usual Freaky Friday because there’s a lot of freaky things predicted in the near future or the next few months, and I just wanted to chat about that. The main reason I’m writing this is that my mom (who is 88 years old) lives in West Melbourne, Florida by…
Creepy Dolls
Today’s Freaky Friday blog was in response to a Facebook post by Mickey Claus called “A Doll in the Hall.” It was the picture above with this copy, “Hey Parents, Instead of an Elf on the Shelf in December, let’s do “A Doll in the Hall” in October. You take a creepy porcelain doll that…
Welcome to the Garden
The idea for this blog began when I posted some photos of sunflowers from my garden on my Facebook page. One of my readers responded that she thought that sunflowers were creepy. I had never considered that – and I wondered how many others felt the same way. To my great surprise, there is actually…
Campfire Stories
I spent last week with a lovely group of girls at Boy Scouts’ Camp (there were no boys, we took the place over) near the Mississippi River south of the Quad Cities. The girls I got to work with were considered “first years” and they were eleven and twelve-year-olds. We had fifteen girls and four…
Freaky Frogs
This year the frog population around my home has been amazing. The frog songs at night are nearly deafening, we can hear them through closed doors and windows, with the air conditioner and the television on. (I attached a video at the bottom of the page illustrating just how loud they get around our pool.) …
Area 51
According to the Internet, (and we know that everything we read on the Internet is true, right?) there will be a massive invasion of Area 51 on September 20, 2019. What started out as a joke even has the Air Force concerned as it warns the public against the dangers of storming a military facility. …
A Cool Dip -Really Cool
I’m sitting in my attic office with the window air conditioning going full-blast and a small box fan blowing at me too. My sweet, devoted dog (who refuses to go downstairs where it’s cooler) is laying in front of the air conditioner, soaking up as much cool as he can. The temperature outside is a…
The Fairmont Hotel, Deadwood, South Dakota
As many of you know, I was in Deadwood, South Dakota last weekend at the Ann Charles Fan Party. Ann invited me to be a featured author and I eagerly accepted. We arrived on Thursday night and on Friday morning, we had a little time (after I autographed 150 posters) to explore the area. Our…
The Thin Blue Line
I have a great deal of admiration and gratitude for police officers and their families. These are men and women who leave their homes every day to protect us, and they never know if they are going to come home or not. I’ve had the honor of receiving a number of emails from officers or…
Catalpa’s Curse – Book Three in the Willoughby Witches Series
Over one hundred years ago, a group of witches, escaping a second wave of Witch Trials made their way from New England to Whitewater, Wisconsin, known as Second Salem. Others, seeking knowledge in spiritualism and the occult, also made their way to the city and, through their ignorance, unleashed an evil entity poised to destroy…