This morning, I was out and about early – before 5 a.m. – driving down our country road toward the highway. There was a thick fog everywhere, and as I passed areas where I knew there had been fatal car accidents, I felt a tightness in my chest and wondered if I was somehow connecting…
Category: Freaky Friday
A Very Spirited Football Stadium
September is here, and that means apple cider donuts, falling leaves, back-to-school, and FOOTBALL season. There is nothing like getting dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans, going to the local high school or college stadium, watching football, or watching the ghosts watching football. An October 2020 ESPN article called “Seven of the most haunted venues…
Many of you are familiar with my good friend and paranormal author, Ophelia Julien. (If not, you NEED to check her out on Amazon and Facebook.) She sent out her monthly newsletter, and it was amazing, as usual. So I asked her if I could use it for this week’s Freaky Friday. If you think…
Believe in Yourself – Bigfoot
It’s got to be tough to be a Bigfoot. You’re probably an introvert; you hate crowds and meaningless small talk. You keep to yourself, living a green life and being fairly self-sufficient. You try not to bother anyone else; as a matter of fact, you have “not bothering” other people down to an art. And,…
“A few years back, some friends and I took a stroll down a closed-for-the-season road in a national park. We heard a weird noise in the distance that could have been an owl. But the three of us suddenly felt like whatever made that noise was coming after us. We beat it back to the…
Kentucky Goblins
A couple of weeks ago, I had to return to Florida to help sort out some items that remained in my mom’s house. For those of you who don’t know, my mom passed away in January. We had to drive because my mom left items for me, and I needed my car to bring them…
The Old Hag
Remember when everyone said that UFOs were figments of our imagination and anyone who said they saw a UFO was a kook? Yes, good times, good times! Not only did the government know that UFOs were real, but they also had videos and documentation to verify their existence. It’s so nice knowing you can trust…
Lozen – Apache Priestess Warrior
I love to get the opportunity to show off my amazing friends and their equally amazing talents. Author Donnie Light is one of those amazing folks. He’s just finished the first draft of his latest book and told me about this remarkable warrior woman, Lozen. I’d never heard about her before, so I asked Donnie…
The Bridgewater Triangle
It seems like everyone has a triangle these days. Of course, we’ve all heard of the Bermuda Triangle, and lately, there have been shows about the Alaska Triangle. There are also the Bennington Triangle, the Bass Strait Triangle (which is a little confusing because how can a strait be a triangle?), the Vile Vortices (I…
The Greenbrier Ghost
Once again, my dear friend Linda has come upon an amazing story – that I just had to share with the rest of you. Not only is the Greenbrier Ghost a story about a dastardly murder, an avenging spirit, and the only documented case of a murderer convicted by the testimony of a ghost, but…