Since this week is the Paris Olympics, I thought I ought to do something with a Paris theme. And, since we were all treated to the gruesome sight of a decapitated Marie Antionette during the opening ceremonies, I started searching for sightings of the ghost of the infamous queen. I was surprised when I came…
Category: Freaky Friday
A Ghostly Response
I LOVE hearing ghost stories from people you don’t expect to hear ghost stories from. My favorite group of “non-expectant” storytellers are first responders. These folks are trained observers, and they take their jobs very seriously. So, when they share something that happened to them, well, it gives it a whole other layer of believability….
The Land Between the Lakes
I live in northwest Illinois, and my eldest daughter lives near Atlanta, Georgia. So, when I drive down to see her, I generally go through Illinois (which is a L-O-N-G state), through Paducah, Kentucky (isn’t that the greatest name?), and then along Highway 24, skirting the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. I’d never…
Burial Stones
One of the big stories this week is the vandalism of Stonehenge. If you haven’t heard, two protestors thought it was a good idea to spray orange paint on the historic site. They were both arrested, and the authorities will decide what their civil punishment will be. But I wonder if the protestors thought of…
Dogmen of the Midwest
Recently, I was perusing Paranormal Wisconsin’s Facebook page, and I came across this entry from March 14, 2024, by Jim Hohler: “Heard of a nearby Dogman sighting by Dodgeville. Apparently, it was lurching down the middle of Hwy 133 in the early morning hours yesterday. The driver knows nothing of cryptids and described it as…
Procter Valley Road
My friend Linda often sends me suggestions for Freaky Friday. This week, she sent me a note that I should check out Procter Valley Road. I did, and I was not disappointed. Thanks, Linda! What is it about roads and ghosts? In Wisconsin, there is the Beast of Bray Road—a bipedal cryptid that has terrorized…
The Devil’s Lake Monster
My daughter and her family went camping over Memorial Day weekend at Devil’s Lake, Wisconsin. So, of course, I had to look up all the ghoulies and ghosties that might be haunting the lake. To be fair, I did not tell her about them before she left. But now that they are all home safe…
The Giant of Kandahar
Last weekend, I was with a group of friends, and we were (of course) discussing paranormal phenomena. One of them brought up the story of the Kandahar Giant. I’d never heard the story, so I thought I’d do a little research and share what I found with you. According to the All That’s Interesting website,…
The Cauld Lad of Hylton
The other day, I was searching for information about brownies – the little people kind, not the delicious, gooey, chocolate kind – and I happened across the story about the Cauld Lad of Hylton, and then I went down a rabbit hole. So, welcome to my rabbit hole. According to the Sunderland Echo website, the…
Ain’t No Sunshine
Just in case you haven’t heard, next Monday, April 8, 2024, is a solar eclipse. Because I live in the Midwest, we will handle it the same way we handled the last big eclipse; we won’t see it because it will be cloudy and overcast. But some of you may have a part in the…