Book 8 is finally available on the Mary O’Reilly Series Page. Go check it out!
A teaser from the anxiously awaited Book 8
Here’s what Terri has to say about the next book: I’ve been working on Book 8 and I’ve been thinking about a scene I wrote about men’s cologne. So, does this happen to you: He led her to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. She cuddled close and laid her cheek against…
Mary O’Reilly is even keeping Vampire Authors up at night ;)
As I sit here at the computer I know I should be writing new chapters for my Vampire Historia a Series of Revelations book, Nicolai’s Fate, or at the very least editing what I have already written, but something else is drawing my away from this very task. My Kindle is calling to me, compelling…
Secret Hollows (Book 7) is Finally Here!
Book 7 is finally available on the Mary O’Reilly Series Page. Go check it out!
Loose Ends made The Frugal Reader’s January’s 10 Bestselling Frugal Finds! :)
Loose Ends tied for 5th place in The Frugal Reader’s January’s 10 Bestselling Frugal Finds. These are the Ten Bestselling Frugal Finds under Nine dollars for the month of January. Loose Ends spent 27 days in January in the TOP 100 Bestselling Kindle Books at Amazon. Read more at the link below.
Meet the translator of “Loose Ends – A Mary O’Reilly Paranormal Mystery” – Rafa Lombardino Rafa was born in Brazil and is going to translate Loose Ends into Portuguese. I’m very excited to be able to share the Mary O’Reilly books with the people in Brazil and all others who speak Portuguese. This is what Rafa said about translating Loose Ends Terri Reid’s “Loose Ends,” the first installment of Mary…
Merry Christmas from Terri Reid
Everyone likes an EARLY Christmas gift – and here’s mine for you… Good Tidings – Mary O’Reilly’s Christmas Story – will be FREE all day tomorrow!! (Saturday, December 10th) If you don’t have a Kindle – you can download FREE Kindle software to your computer, i-phone or i-pad. Feel free to share this with your…
Kindle Lending Library Welcomes Mary O’Reilly Series
I am delighted to announce that the entire Mary O’Reilly Paranormal Series has been selected by Amazon to become part of their Kindle Prime Lending Library. This opportunity was offered to a select number of indie authors and I’m thrilled to be part of this great new promotion. Those of you who are Amazon Prime…