This Mother’s Day I received a note from one of my sons’ that offered me a different perspective on Mother’s Day this year. It made me stop and realize that the gift of being a mom is something my children gave me. And rather than be the recipient of the gratitude and love, I needed to think about what this gift has taught me.
As I thought about it, I realized that being a mother has helped me to understand my Heavenly Father and His love just a little bit better.
When the tiny being inside of me was growing and moving, I got to partner with God in the creation process. I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I held my tiny newborn in my arms, I was always in complete awe and wonder of how this miracle could happen. How my body could grow and then actually nourish another human being. And how I instantly loved this new little person in my life. It was truly a miracle.
Then, as they grew and made decisions, I understood both the pride and the frustration God must have with me when I either accomplish things that were hard for me or, more likely, make the same mistakes over and over and over again – even though He’s clearly shown me how to avoid them.
I understood that sometimes we have to watch our children experience hard things for themselves and not be able to take away either the pain or the consequences. But I also understand, in a small way, His unconditional love. I might make mistakes, but He still loves me and will be there for me when I need him. Just as I will always love my children and be there for them, no matter what.
I understand, a little, His pain when we are in pain. The quiet tears of motherhood have opened an understanding of the disappointment, but never-ending patience of an Eternal parent.
And finally, especially after this year, I understand His longing to have us all back together in His Eternal Home. I miss the presence of my children and grandchildren. I miss holding them and seeing them in person. I suppose, just like Facetime and Zoom – praying is good, no praying is essential – but I’m sure it’s nothing like being back in His presence and being held in His loving arms.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful moms. And thank you, to all of the children, for giving us the wonderful gift of motherhood.
Every thing you said is so very true! Thank you for putting our silent thoughts to word. So appreciated
Thank you for your lovely post.