The night was bitterly cold and the wind whipped across the plains with the hint of frost and snow. “Of course it’s cold,” the farmer muttered as he knelt in the straw. “Seems like that’s the only time these sheep have problems with lambing.” The young ewe looked up at the man kneeling next to…
Category: Freaky Friday
Snowy Drives
This weekend, we are supposed to receive about three to six inches of snow, and more snow is supposed to fall later in the week, which is really just life in the Midwest. But there’s a loneliness and a stillness that surrounds you when you are driving at night in the country past snow-covered fields….
Window Shopping
Emmet Kryndle was a businessman. That was what he considered himself when it came down to it. He counted the bills and the coins in the till and sharply closed the drawer on the brass National Cash Register that sat atop the wooden counter of the Mercantile. He looked straight ahead, he didn’t want to…
Freaky Friday Christmas Stories
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. There’ll be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago. Christmas and ghost stories go together like peanut butter and jelly or Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim. So, for the next few Freaky Fridays – we’re going to share Christmastime Ghost stories….
Freaky Friday – Black Friday!
Freaky Friday – Black Friday! What a great combination!!! So, in honor of the retail holiday – I’ll share with you a few ghostly encounters in your favorite retail haunts. In Panorama City, CA a local Wal-Mart is the permanent home of a young woman killed in an elevator accident. The ghost appears on the…
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Since Thanksgiving is less than a week away, I thought a story near Plymouth Rock might be fun. So, this story, from Plymouth Massachusetts, might make you shiver slightly. The Spooner House in Plymouth, Massachusetts was built sometime around 1749 on North Street, which is just one street over from Leyden Street. And Leyden Street…
Loomis Street
It’s generally thought to be a good thing when you are listed on a top ten list. Top ten most likely to succeed. Top ten places to live. Top ten movies in the year 2016. A good thing, right? But, Loomis Street in Naperville, Illinois is listed on a maybe not-so-great top ten list –…
When the Nightmare is Actually a Ghost
As a very young child, about the age of four, I had a nightly visitor to my room that terrified me. I remember lying awake in the dark, waiting. For a few nights in a row, this specter would walk through the door of my bedroom, slowly and deliberately, and head straight for my bed….
Happy Halloween – Manic Monday!
How could I not do a ghost story on Halloween? I have to admit; it was really hard deciding on which stories to tell. I wanted a couple of stories that would send goosebumps up your arms, because that’s what a good Halloween ghost story should do. So, I decided that I would tell you…
Joe the Electrician
Joe was under a tight deadline. He had married the woman of his dreams and now he, his wife and her school-aged daughter were anxious to start their lives together. They had all shopped for the right piece of property to build their new home. And they all fell in love with it as soon…