I was born in Hawaii. Actually, on the island of Oahu, the city of Honolulu. My dad was a Marine and I was born at Tripler Army Hospital. So, Pearl Harbor and the anniversary on December 7th has always been significant to me. Since yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day, I thought I’d do a little…
Category: Freaky Friday
Haunted Computers
This has been a technologically challenging week for me! My phone died, so I had to rely on my iPad for communication and that just died, too. I haven’t said bad words out loud, but I can assure you I thought them. At times, it felt like my technology was possessed or, at least, haunted. …
Thriller Thursday
I have a confession to make. I was planning on skipping this week’s Freaky Friday post. I figured with Thanksgiving and Black Friday and all of the to-ing and fro-ing, it wouldn’t be missed. Sarah actually suggested, because I’m finishing up Mary 20, that I just repost the Freaky Friday from last year about paranormal…
Keep A Light Burning
Many years ago, my sister and I had the opportunity to stay at a lighthouse on a tiny island not far from Bruce Mines, Northern Ontario. The lighthouse was on a fifteen-acre island, called McKay Island, in Lake Huron. It was built in 1907 and the accommodations were a little rustic, but being on your…
The Sun Tavern
Since Thanksgiving is only two weeks away (can you believe that?!?!?!), I thought we could focus on the Plymouth, Massachusetts area for our ghost stories for the next couple of weeks. And, not surprisingly, I found quite a few locations in that area that are haunted. This week, The Sun Tavern is the one that…
Camp Grant
Several years ago, I had another opportunity to tell ghost stories with Kathi Kresol of Haunted Rockford. This time it was at Camp Grant – which is now a museum/restaurant near the Rockford airport. The Camp Grant Museum is housed in the building that was one of three fire stations and later the Induction and…
30 East Drive
I love driving down neighborhood streets, especially in small towns, as Halloween draws near. All kinds of ghostly decorations are scattered in the lawns amidst gold, yellow and red leaves. Front porch stairs are dotted with jack o’lanterns, ghouls, and pumpkin lights. Even windows and doors are decorated to celebrate the scary season. Many people…
Wesley’s Poltergeist
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of Facebook posts about Halloween and Christianity. The subtle theme of many of these posts are along the lines of “If You Celebrate Halloween, You Are Basically In League With Satan And Your Children Are All Going to Hell.” One of these posts referred to a website by Donny…
First Responders
I have a great deal of respect for first responders, they rush in when others are running out. They risk their lives every day for complete strangers and often, really stupid or careless complete strangers. First responders, especially law enforcement officials, have probably seen things most people would never believe. I thought I’d share a couple…
Hannah House
In another Facebook group I belong to, someone posted a photo of an old Victorian house being moved from one place to another on the back of a flatbed truck. The house had sat for years, it had been boarded up and no one was inside. Yet, there in the photo was an image of…